Crowned ‘the defender of female awesomeness’ by Cooler magazine, I offer support + space, ritual + remembrance, guidance + cyclic maps, ceremony + counsel to women who are exploring, navigating and cultivating a relationship with their body, power, sex, creativity, pleasure + passion in these 'interesting' times.
The Saturday Club is an invitation for the women who are described as ‘dangerous’ + ‘difficult’, the rebels + the visionaries, those who dance at the edges of societal norms - US - to come together, once a month, in Parisian style Saturday Salons, to unlock the whispered Venusian keys + codes that have been hidden through time + space, through stories, art, poetry + song.
To re-member - put back together - our power, our magic + medicine, so that our bodies + our nervous systems can cultivate, hold + really mistress our magic, so that we’re able to be seen AND heard.
No more hiding.
Making out with every possibility + opportunity.
Re-telling our Venus story + re-spelling + re-enchanting our entire mother-loving lives.
Are you ready to have a sensual love affair with life?
Venus: A Sacred Path. A Feminine Frequency. A Sensual Love Affair with life is available NOW.
Self Source-ery Oracle
available now
An online space + place to be a woman in process AND progress.
As featured in: