What’s your Venus Sign?
Knowing where Venus is for you, in your natal chart, can offer up the insight YOU need to explore all the things that Venus is best known for: love, relationships, beauty, creativity, style, and money. It can also help you to get better acquainted with what it is you’re most attracted to and why (as well as what you’re currently attracting and why. It’s magnetism, and Venus is ALL ABOUT IT!), as well as your gifts and resources (and how to utilize them in a way that creates the most pleasure and joy. Yep, Venus wants us to stop making it so bloody hard for ourselves and actively encourages us to let it be easy.) And most importantly, how to make life-living a delicious and creative and harmonious art form.
NOTE: I’m what’s known in gypsy/traveller traditions as a sky reader - the way I do it is a bit less formal and a LOT more intuitive and instinct-led. My mumma taught me how to find the constellations in the sky, how to know what the moon was doing at any given moment, and to witness Venus as both evening and morning star (and to feel the difference of both in my body), which is where my love for all things Venus began.
I share this because, personally, I find that the traditional Western astrological tradition of ‘You’re a Venus in Scorpio, so…’ CAN be a little constrictive (although having said that, I am a Venus in Scorpio, and I am all the things that Western astrology associates with a Venus in Scorpio, so I WILL also contradict myself!) But I DO use Western astrology as a starting point, while recognizing that it does have its limitations.
And then, if you’re called, we can always dive further together into Sky Reading in real time. Deal?
What I share here is a taster, intended simply to give you a feel for themes and patterns, so that you can then explore on your terms and in your own way.
And in the ever-contradictory Source-ery style I share in ALL the work I do – because the feminine is NOT linear + straight-line thinking, what I share here ARE my experience of the Venus placements experienced by the thousands of women and clients I’ve worked with and read for over the years. Reading their Venus placements in relation to their life experiences has most definitely been a revelatory and a revolutionary codex, for them and for me.
If what you read doesn’t resonate, there could be other planetary placements that challenge your Venus placement.
So, what I’m saying is, let it simply be a starting point, ‘k?
How this Works
Click here to go to the Venus SIGNS calculator.
Enter the deets to find out YOUR Venus sign.
Once you know what your Venus sign is, fill out your details below and you will be directed to a page to download your Venus sign reading.