WE - you/me/us are the re-spellers and re-tellers of the What Comes Next.
It’s up to US to re-spell and re-tell the story of self-care and self-devotion.
I call this Self Source‑ery – with a heavy emphasis on source – and it fortifies and strengthens. It supports us to cultivate patience and the ability to listen to our bodies; to come to our senses, to trust our instincts, and to remember our magic in a world that does NOT want us to do that and is not set up in ANY way for us to do that. Which is WHY I've created, with love + felt tip pens, the...
Self Source-ery Oracle
Self Source-ery Oracle is a powerful 42-card oracle to support us ALL as we reconnect to Source + return to our innate mother-loving wisdom, knowing + feminine magic.
Self Source-ery Oracle is divided into three powerful suits to help you recognize that self-love is about coming into relationship with what's real + true – your inner landscape, your body, and your connectivity to nature and the world around you.
It will support you to:
Source your own power, authority, and life force.
Take fierce self-responsibility to discern and to act accordingly.
Live in the fullness of your possibility
Let the ever-unfolding paradoxes untether you from your often grippy need to control all.the.things. Your/my/our need to be ‘sure’ and to be ‘right.’
Feel nourished, satiated and able to show up for yourself and others in times of chaos, uncertainty and transition.