About Me
Crowned ‘the defender of female awesomeness’ by Cooler magazine, at the heart of everything I create is a passion for reclaiming stories, especially those of women.
The wild, the unseen, the silenced, the messy, the ones that history has overlooked.
My work explores power, identity, creative self-expression, esoteric traditions + magic to create worlds where women take up ALL the space they deserve.
I’m the best-selling author of Witch, Code Red, Love your Lady Landscape, Self Source-ery + Venus.
My narrative non-fiction explores the hidden histories of women’s wisdom, esoteric traditions, cyclical power + creative self-expression + I write speculative fiction that blends magic realism, mythology + contemporary narratives.
I craft bold + powerful artwork for books, zines + esoteric projects.
I develop TV and film projects that bring female-driven narratives to life.
Developmental book editor
Advocate + support for women sharing their voices + stories via the written word.
I’ve worked in book publishing + teen + women’s magazine publishing in both the UK + US for over 25 years as writer, editor, author + publisher.
Email me at: Lisa@thesassyshe.com
Guide-ess, ceremonialist and space holder.
I support + guide women to navigate both the internal + external terrain of being a woman - physically, emotionally, psychologically + spiritually - through counsel, story-telling, movement, reality re-spelling, ritual + ceremony.
Medicine keeper of the ancient ways of my gypsy/traveller lineage + tradition.
I edge walk + I hedge walk.
I’m a seer - I see stuff.
I’m a tarot reader.
I’m an astrologer + a sky reader, which is essentially, an astrologer who reads the sky through the felt sensation of her body - it’s an old tradition passed down through the women in my family.
I work with the cosmos + her cycles + her stories to understand + map the terrain of the landscape we’re navigating on earth + in our body. As above, so below. I grow herbs + make teas + tinctures, play drums + tambourines + dance. I LOVE to dance.
Also trained + certified in: post-trauma support + growth, Continuum, Somatic Experiencing, somatic psychology, movement psychology, Theta Healing, reiki, psychotherapy, polyvagal theory, yoga, dance + movement, sacred sexuality, curvy yoga, Embodied Yoga, pregnancy, pre + post natal yoga + womb yoga.
NOTE: I’m on a life-long quest for the perfect red lipstick, I love + obsess hourly over ALL things French, my super-power is my ability to accessorise + I live with a hot Viking by the sea on the south coast of the UK. I’m also a woman who is exploring it all + navigating the terrain.
The good, the crazy, the WT-actual-F, the sad, the dark, the bloody glorious + all the many trillions of variations of what it means to ‘be a woman’.
THIS Woman. Knowing that how it is for me, will be different from how it is for you, but recognising that there will be themes + threads + that, let’s face it, IT’S ALL SACRED.
So it ‘should’ go without saying, but just in case it doesn’t, there is NO judgement, only fierce love + compassion.
I’ve been doing this for over 19+ years - blood, power, vaginas, wombs, blame, shame, grief, misrepresentation, trauma, vulvas, sex, spirituality, magic, cults, the whole SHE-bang.
There is NOTHING you can say or share that will freak me out or that is TMI.
Also, I’m a Scorpio, I have the asteroid Ceres in my 1st house square Pluto, so death, sex, crisis + rebirth and all the so-called taboos that lie in between, are actually known territory for me.
Everything I share is a personal invite to re-member that everything is a ‘process’ and that YOU are already whole.