…yes, the Wild Roses is a lineage, it’s a women’s mystery tradition, one that many women throughout history, from Anne Boleyn to Eleanor of Aquitaine KNEW + it’s at this ‘change point’ in our current times, that the Wild Roses are returning, to re-awaken + support humanity – women especially – to create, retell + respell a new reality, a new possibility + it's why the women who are considered defiant + difficult, the rebels, the visionaries, the curious, the witches + creatives, those who question all that we’re told + sold, who dance the edges of societal norms – US, me + YOU - are hearing this call the loudest.
Women’s mystery traditions + societies have long held the secrets to how we heal, nurture, tend to, create + regenerate entire civilisations - why do you think we’re called ‘mad’ + told that we’re ‘broken?’ - so that we don’t remember, believe or trust that we can be self source-ed, cultivate courageous creative power + mistress our magic - but we can, we REALLY can + it’s why I’ve created, curated + I’m hosting: THE SATURDAY CLUB
The SATURDAY CLUB is for the women who:
✔ Are coming to their senses – ALL of them.
✔ Trusting their instincts.
✔ Remembering their power + their magic.
✔ ready to declare themselves a Woman of the Wild Rose.

The Wild Roses are many, and our lineage strong.
We’ve been hiding in plain sight throughout lifetimes and timelines, our magic and mysteries encoded through art, myth, dance, and song.
The Saturday Club is an invitation for those who identify as a Woman of the Wild Rose - a witch, a rebel, a visionary, a creative - to come together to unlock the whispered Venusian keys + codes that have been hidden throughout time + space so that our bodies + our nervous systems can remember, call back, self source, hold + mistress our Venus magic, so that we’re able to be seen AND heard.
No more hiding (+ we’ve become SO good at that + for REALLY good reason, so let’s unpick THAT one, together.)
Making out with every possibility + opportunity. (Having a sensual love affair with ALL of life is actually a fiercely feminine art form that requires a LOT of practice + I’m very much about us all practicing. On the daily.)
Respelling, re-telling + re-enchanting reality, because: “Now is the time. This is the hour. Ours is the magic. Ours is the power.” (if EVER there was a season to quote The Craft, it’s Scorpio season!)
Well, you’ll be pleased to know, it came to me in a dream.
Of course it did.
Parisian salons are NOT new to me. I’ve been obsessed with both them + Paris FOREVER. (Clearly for good reason, I discovered as I wrote Venus, that many of my astro-cartography ‘Venus lines’ run through Paris + other very esoteric, mystical + powerful places in France.)
In fact, back in 2012, I shared my first in-person SASSY SHE Salon at a bookstore in Southampton, UK.
The theme was ‘become the mistress of your destiny’ + I, along with 12 other glorious women, danced Burlesque + we shared pink fizz, cupcakes + conversations with over 30 people.
So, and I share about it in my book, Venus, when I entered dreamtime Societe du Samedi it felt like a remembering.
A returning.
I got a VERY clear image of myself sat with the most interesting, powerful, funny, smart, entertaining women, some who had existed in history, some I recognised, others I didn’t + we were gathered in a Parisian Salon and we were talking about art + magic, beauty + poetry + what it is to be a woman, a creatrix, a source-ress across timelines + lifetimes.
I meaaaaan, what’s NOT to love about that?
So, you’d better believe, I’d make actual dates in my dreamtime to go hang with these women on a regular basis…
This is where I met, French writer, Madeleine de Scudéry - that’s her, there, reading VENUS - I didn’t know her. Not many people do, yet, in the 1640s, she was the queen of the Parisian salons and it’s through Madeleine, as salonnière (salon hostess) of my own dreamtime Saturday Club, that I’m establishing OUR very own…
Yep, Madeleine had her Societe du Samedi, + I’m inviting YOU to OUR Saturday Club.
We’ll meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month – Saturn day, a ‘let’s get down to business’ day to REALLY mistress our Venusian magic - for 6 months – from November 2024 through to April 2025 - online, in our own Saturday SHE Salons (with an optional in-person SHE salon, in mother-loving Paris – obvi - in March 2025 – more on that to come!)
Now, back in the day, ‘salons’, sometimes called ‘moon colleges’ (highly recommend sourcing + watching the moon college episode of The Musketeers - so good!) were when the most brilliant women, who were not allowed to go to university – do not get me started on THAT– would gather, in private, to discuss + create + share + process…well, ALL the things.
Some, those that were a little more secret, gathered - coven style - to ritualise + create ceremony + to hone their divination + oracular skills as priestesses, magic women + healers.
I’ve been offering SHE Salons + SHE Soirees, in person + online, since 2012, as a place for brilliant women to gather, to remember + ritualise their power, creativity + magic (+ to remember that they ARE magic) + SATURDAY CLUB is NO different.
We are at a ‘change point’ + these six months that we’re going to gather together - coven style - are the final six months of a 19-month Venus cycle in the astrological fire sign, Leo – which means that the qualities of Venus: love, worth, self-belief, resources + aesthetics are all being experienced through the look-at-me lens of Leo. (Don’t fret, you don’t NEED to know anything about astrology or the Venus cycle to be here, but I will share basic intel to help us to place ourselves within the current landscape, k?)
At a time when many women can feel fearful to ask questions, to think + process out loud, to be multitudes + oftentimes a contradictory AND beautiful container of alchemy, as we sense + f e e e e el our way through it all (gestures broadly to entire mother-loving world) in order to create in response to, + NOT in reaction to, what is unfolding + unfurling in both our internal + external landscapes, I’m creating, curating + hosting:
The Saturday Club.
A once-a-month SHE Salon, for us to experience, together, a space, created for the women of the Wild Rose:
Those considered defiant, difficult + dangerous
Those who dance at the edges of societal norms
Those who are ‘rebellious visionaries’ (I’ve just recently been to see the Leonora Carrington art exhibition titled rebellious visionary + I VERY much would have wanted to be in ANY woman-gang SHE was in!)
Those who have been trying to make ‘sense’ of their ‘spiritual’ path
A space where we can gather + share, take a collective sigh (+ cry, if we need to) to be IN process, to formulate the most revolutionary ideas + possibilities so that we don’t stay in a place of anger/rage/powerlessness/reaction in regards to all that’s playing out in the world.
Saturday Club is where we cultivate our courage, our power, our creativity + our magic to re-member.
To remember that WE are the creatrixes who will dream, shape + form What Comes Next..
The opportunity to join SATURDAY CLUB is now OPEN + doors will close on my birthday, 3rd November 2024.
Then, each month through ‘til April 2025, we will meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 5pm UK time for at least 2 hours – which, and please know there are NO coincidences when it comes to timing, will take us into the Venus Retrograde phase – where the current Venus cycle ends + we begin a brand new Venus cycle.
(NOTE: I’m a Scorpio with a LOT of Scorpio placements - death + rebirth phases are where I THRIVE. I’ve got you!)

A monthly Saturday SHE Salon
Each salon will be hosted, by me, your Salonierre, Lisa Lister – online, for 2 hours - it will be themed on subjects I share in the book, Venus + we will meet, + work with the magic + medicine, words + wisdom, actions + art of a Wild Rose from history.
Through oracular divination, ritual, discussion + mark making, we’ll re-discover how HER magic + medicine is OUR magic + medicine, + how we can harness it, make it our own so that we create + shape our realities in real-time.
It’s ancient-future.
It’s THOROUGHLY Venusian.
It’s Self Source-ery + it’s absolutely bloody necessary.

MAPPING THE TERRAINfeaturing WILD ROSE: Madeleine De Scudery
We will meet Wild Rose, French author + writer, Madeline De Scudery, creatrix of the Carte De Tendre + together we will, like the women in HER Société de Samedi, map our own inner + outer terrain, discuss + ritualise ideas as to HOW we can become our own tendre ami - lover - + experience + create a life where you/me/we are a living map of Venus.

FEMININE FREQUENCYfeaturing WILD ROSE: Natalie Clifford Barney
It’s said, in true Wild Rose style, that Natalie Clifford Barney ‘never belonged to anyone but herself’ + lived a life that 'overflowed with colour, creativity, and passion'. I lovingly call her the 'Notorious NCB' because she was known, on her terms.
She set the tone, frequency, and vibration, and it was up to the people in her orbit to match that, not the other way around.
She didn’t dim her light to make others feel comfortable; instead, she demanded that they simply make their light brighter. We will call on her love of astrology + art + personal power to say goodbye to the 'good girl' + become a vibrational match for OUR own feminine frequency.

THE COSMIC DANCE + THE COURT OF LOVEfeaturing WILD ROSE: Eleanor of Aquitaine
Awarded the titles ‘the rebel queen’ and the ‘Scarlett O’Hara of the 12th century’ , Eleanor of Aquitaine was one the most powerful and influential women in medieval Europe, her love of literature inspired many works that celebrated Venusian ideals + she was the Creatrix of the ‘Court of Love,’ where she gathered the women to define the ‘rules’ of social etiquette and relations between lovers.
In our salon, we will explore our capacity to create our own Court of Love, one where you/we choose to become, like the most rebellious of queens, a woman who dares to make, and then really bloody live by, her own mother-loving rules.

MOON + MYTH MAPPINGfeaturing WILD ROSE: Enheduanna
Wild Rose woman-crush Enheduanna – who I call the ATT (Ancient Triple Threat) – was a Mesopotamian poet, high priestess, and princess who was the first named literary author in recorded history. High fives to THAT.
Enheduanna was writing, more than 4,000 years ago, about things that still resonate with us today – insecurities, the creative process, the difficulties of writing a poem (which she equates to giving birth – the woman KNEW). We will channel her creative capacity to map our own mythos + tell a NEW story.

IN.YOUR.BODY.MENT™featuring WILD ROSE: Josephine Baker
Josephine knew who she was: a mother-loving, one-woman Jazz Age extravaganza. She defied all the beauty ideals of the era and dared to create her own.
She’s very much a guide‑ess for us all in the FELT experience of life-living + in our Salon together, we will be exploring OUR felt experience, I'll share the practice of IN.YOUR.BODY.MENT + we'll get so familiar with ourselves so that when others forget, which they inevitably do + will, like Josephine, you will be VERY confident in reminding them who you ACTUALLY are.

Anaïs Nin chose herself. Always. She never let ANYONE decide who she was or speak her story and experience to her. (And you’d better believe that many people tried.)
In a world where Anaïs was + still is, called ‘divisive’ and ‘controversial’ for daring to see, feel, and experience her life in a way that was real and true and ALIVE to her, it’s a defiant, courageous, and really bloody necessary act to choose yourself and dream scape + magic-make your life into being.
Our final salon together will have us exploring, like Anaïs, how we dare to dream, share, express + most importantly live a life from what she called ‘a woman’s point of view’ and what I call ‘unapologetically you'.
Monthly digi-love
In between Salons you will receive monthly digi love - a Women of The Wild Rose playbook.
A PDF - direct to your inbox - where I always over-deliver because I cannot help myself, a beauty-full illustrated-by-me support you to activate + work with the feminine frequency of Venus + the current SHE ‘scape to expand + go deeper with what unfolds in the SHE Salon that month.
There will be written prompts to riff on, art to admire, spells, books to read, rituals +riffs as well as voice notes from my heart to yours.
This 6 month experience is currently IN SESSION + doors will re-open in APRIL 2025.
Sign up to SHE MAIL to be the first to hear about it!
The Wild Roses are a feminine mystery tradition, a lineage, one that many women throughout history, from Anne Boleyn to Eleanor of Aquitaine KNEW that hold very special, hidden esoteric + magical Venusian teachings of Mary Magdalene/Isis/Hathor.
A lineage that has emerged + made itself known to me, as I’ve connected the dots, trying to make sense of all I’ve experienced + continue to experience this lifetime - as a woman, a witch, a lover, an artist, an oracle.
Women of the Wild Rose is created + curated by me + it's where tarot + astrology, magic + mistress-ry, ritual + art, power + pleasure ALL come together so that we can re-member (retrieve + recall all the pieces - our teachings + magic + power - to put them back together) + re-tell a NEW (+ ancient) story of power + magic + artistry + our first meeting together (this lifetime at least?)
Yep, absolutely. I’d love for us to gather in real-time AND…the nature of online/life/timezones/all the things means that it’s not always possible. The recording will be made available 48 hours later - sometimes sooner - + if you can’t make it live, there’s an open invitation to ask any questions + share any responses + experiences.
In everything I create, I always wait until the doors are closed + then invite those who have signed up + stepped in to make a choice as to how/if they want to do that + in what format.
You’ll receive an email about that on the 4th November! -
This is a 6 month Venusian container, everything is created VERY intentionally so no, there is not currently an option to sign up for the salons separately.
The Salons take place online, at 5pm UK time, on the 2nd Saturday of each month. There will be an in-person option for our last salon in March 2025, in Paris, oh la la - + I'll share details of that with you on our first call together.
Unfortunately due to the digital nature of this Saturday Club, after the start date there are no refunds available.
Text and artwork © Lisa Lister, 2024
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
All rights reserved. No part of this website or the program’s contents may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for ‘fair use’ as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the creatrix, Lisa Lister.
Due to this being a digital product no refunds will be given.