Are you ready to have a sensual love affair with life?

YOUR life?


…You’d better believe I’m putting THAT on a tee-shirt.

It’s true, Venus IS my love language + I’ve written a book ALL about it.
It’s called Venus : A Sacred Path. A Feminine Frequency. A Sensual Love Affair with Life (because you KNOW I love a one-word title + three-line sub head situ) + it’s available for pre-order. NOW.


Yes, she’s a planet. Yes, she’s the ancient Roman goddess of love, sex, and beauty, AND…She’s SO much more.

✔ She’s astrological.

✔ Cosmological.

✔ Oracular.


✔ Mythical.

✔ Mystical.

✔ Cyclical.

✔ Deeply feminine.

A SACRED path.

A FEMININE frequency.

A sensual love affair with ALL of life.

Loves, I have essentially written the book that I would have LOVED to have read back when I was trying so desperately to connect the dots and make all that I was experiencing this lifetime – as a witch, a mystic, a creative, a lover, an artist, an oracle, and a woman – ‘make sense.’

Spoiler alert: it was ALL Venus. Wink.

If, like me, you have ever experienced challenge and resistance to life-living, magic, joy, art, beauty, power, and love, in this book, I bring together the esoteric teachings of Venus and introduce you to a lineage + legacy that I call the Wild Roses.


Women who cross timelines + lifetimes, from Mary Magdalene to Eleanor of Aquitaine, from Hathor to Joan of Arc, from Atlantean Queen Ash-ta-tara to literary Queen Anaïs Nin, so many women know, and have known, the power that Venus – in all her many expressions – holds + they want to support me/you/us as we re-tell and re-spell a new story. 


Venus: A Sacred Path. A Feminine Frequency. A Sensual Love Affair with Life is an invitation to journey with, and embody ALL of Venus.
To reconnect with and reclaim a lost lineage of knowing that brings together the energetic and the physical, the spiritual and the material, the Venus who has played a role in every culture since ancient times.

Through story, sacred practices and rituals, and a unique-to-you journey through Venus’ magical and mysterious cycle, it will guide you to:

  • shed what no longer serves you

  • heal any deep-rooted wounds of shame, fear, or rejection

  • cultivate the self-love you need to heal and grow

  • rebirth a wiser, truer, more real expression of you

  • access Venus’s magic and medicine as you work with every stage of her cycle

This activating initiation into Venus + her codes will support you to honour and reclaim your feminine wisdom + knowing, your magic + your power and encourage + cheer you on as you create and more importantly, really bloody experience, a delicious + sensual love affair with ALL of life.

Because, in a world that feels like it’s burning, in a world where making art and love and poetry and beauty have been made to seem superfluous, I’m offering this book as a love letter… to OUR hearts.

To the things that our hearts love.

To the daily acts of love that we make and create.

In devotion to Venus, the very wildest of roses.

AND… to celebrate the launch of Venus: A sacred Path. A Feminine Frequency. A Sensual love Affair with Life, I’m doing the most thoroughly Venusian thing + hosting a:


NOTE: I share in the book, Venus, how everything I know about having a sensual love affair with life was activated by traversing my own ‘rose line’, (what’s called the ‘Venus line’ in astrocartography) it runs through some pretty magical places in what’s now become my other lover, France. (It’s okay, the Viking – my husband - knows. In fact, he often joins in! Wink.)

So, like French author, Madeleine De Scudery, who you’ll also meet in the book - she’s INCREDIBLE - did for women in the 1600s, I will host a Salon. Yep, I will be your Saloniere, your hostess, of the most delicious, life affirming, sensorial soak into ALL things Venusian.

FYI: Madeleine was THE queen of the Paris Salons in the 1600’s + she would gather THE smartest, most fabulous like-hearted women to create + share together at her own salon called: the Société du Samedi (the Saturday Club)

…and so, it only seems right that we too gather, for our very own Societe Du Samedi


Saturday October 5th  2024
6pm til 8pm GMT via Zoom

Yes, we will have our very own Secret Society Venus SHE Salon + like Madeleine, I will host it on a Saturday for the most faboulous + smart like-hearted women - YOU.
I will introduce you to the Wild Roses, we’ll talk all things Venusian + I’ll share lots of not-spoken-of-before intel into HER mysteries, which are keys to OUR magic + power.
We’ll pull cards, converse, share + create together.
We’ll also eat pistachio + honey chocolate + sip rose + blue lotus tea. (Or food/libation of your choice!)

It will be a gloriously Venusian affair + you can totally dress up as your own favourite Wild Rose from her-story – or not.

Now, your invite to the SECRET SOCIETY VENUS SHE SALON is dependent on TWO things:

1. Your heart is big, wide open, non-judge-y + longing to have a sensual love affair with ALL of life.

2. You pre-order the book, VENUS : A Sacred Path. A Feminine Frequency. A Sensual Love Affair with Life. (Because pre-orders REALLY MATTER!)

(So Parisian, right?!)

To get sent your ‘Secret society venus she salon’ invite and a while-you-wait pre-

SHE SALON playlist (you KNOW I love a playlist) please do the following:


1. Pre-order VENUS (official release date is 24 September 2024) from one of the following stockists below:

2. Complete the form below to get your name on the Secret Society Venus SHE Salon guest list! Hurrah.

3. Check your inbox - you’ve got SHE mail.