Podcasts to Listen to
I cannot think of a better way to end Season 1 of the podcast than this amazing conversation with my mentor, the incredible Lisa Lister. Lisa has been such a fundamental influence in my life over the last decade. She talks to us about the deep felt knowing that she experiences by coming home to her body. We discuss the power and wisdom within the menstrual cycle. We touch upon how the social conditioning of the overculture keeps us down and stops us striving to have what we actually want and need and forces us to fit in and be as 'normal' as possible, even if it's to our detriment. We also discuss how rest is revolutionary and moving at the speed of our body and heart is the medicine we all need right now. Lisa talks about her upcoming book, Self Source-rey and how everything we need is within us. Of course, as this is being released on Samhain/Halloween, how could we not talk about what it means to be a witch?!
Joining us on the podcast today is the Beyoncé of Witches (yes I did say that to her) - the wonderful Lisa Lister!
Her work includes the books: Code Red, Love Your Lady Landscape, Witch, Presence, and the SASSY SHE Oracle decks. We also discuss her upcoming book (which we are super excited to get our hands on!!) “Self Source-ery - Come to Your Senses. Trust Your Instincts. Remember Your Magic.”
Join us as we dive into all things Witch, cycles, portals, sex magic & trusting your own intuition…
Did you know that the Moon’s phases are reflected in the menstrual cycle? In this week’s episode of Another Phase, Tamara is joined by Lisa Lister, author of Code Red, Love Your Lady Landscape and Witch. Get ready for an open and honest discussion about women’s health and cyclic intelligence. Lisa shares how being diagnosed with Endometriosis and PCOS led her to start listening to her body and the work that she’s become so well known for. They discuss the different phases of the Moon and menstrual cycles, and how we can navigate the rhythms within and around us. As Lisa says, “This is all about knowing your flow and unlocking the superpowers within your menstrual cycle so that you can live a bloody brilliant life.” Whether you have periods or not, we hope that there’s something in this conversation that everyone can benefit from.
In this weeks episode we sit down with Lisa Lister to discuss understanding your flow. If you are a person who bleeds, Lisa explains that there is a code- ancient, deeply spiritual and fiercely powerful. So powerful that it's barely been spoken about in over 2,000 years. Your menstrual cycle.
Your period is way more than PMS, carb cravings and lady rage-it's actually a 4-part lady code that, once cracked, will uncover a series of monthly superpowers that can be used to enhance your relationships with others, build a better business, have incredible sex and create a 'bloody' amazing life.
The Witch: Lisa Lister on working with your cycle on the Saturn Returns podcast
Caggie is joined by self professed witch and menstrual awareness practioner, Lisa Lister, author of Code Red, Love Your Lady Landscape and Witch. They discuss period pride and period shame, and the wisdom available to us in following the seasons of our cycle and unlocking our connection to source.