
Welcome. Thanks for buying the deck, I hope you're loving on them!

I  have created a short, but super-potent imaginal journey that will open you up not only to your own siren call, but also to connect with your bottom-of-the sea deepest knowing, your oracular wisdom so that when you shuffle this deck and meet the aspects of SHE held within it, you’re able to receive, create and weave WITH them.

What’s an imaginal journey?
It’s like a meditation, except it’s not passive.
My imaginal journeys are a co-collab between me, you + SHE (+ together we are QUITE the threesome. Wink.)

I will drop you into a receptive state through the breath and then, as my ancestors did before me, I’ll begin the journey using drum and spoken word, there will then be spaces + places within the imaginal journey where I invite you take your own steps, to let what you imagine + see be revealed to you + of course, I will then return you safely back to the here + now.

Again this is NOT required, but I want to offer you ALL the ways in which you can work, play, create and most importantly remember YOUR magic through working with the SHE Sirens.